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Welcome to ChristChurch
A Town Centre Church in Grantham
Live Worship from 10-30am
and 6-00pm

SA Cropped


Welcome, and thank you for visiting ChristChurch online. Our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit, We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbour.
Christchurch is a local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP) created when the Methodist and United Reformed Churches in Grantham town centre joined together in 2008.
Our Mission is to serve the people of Grantham and District and to give Christian help to the community in general.
If you would like to know more of what we are doing, please click on the 'Vision' tab and two drop down pages.
Sunday Service times:
10-30am and 6-00pm
Please see page (Gifting) in the menu:
A new way to donate to our Church
ChristChurch Tuesday Guild
Meets every other Tuesday September to March.
at 2pm
The Guild is now into the summer break
Our next Meeting is on the 9th September.
Group Photograph of Revd Dr Peter Stevenson and the Messy Church volunteers. Peter is leading his last Messy Church before he retires in two weeks time. Very best wishes Peter from us all.

Saturday 22nd March was Peter Stevenson's last day as Minister at ChristChurch, Grantham. Peter and Dawn are cutting the cake during Peter's leaving Service
On Sunday 9th March Revd Peter Sulston presented David Taylor with his Certificate
to mark 60 years as a local preacher.

St Georges Day celebration Lunch

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