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ChristChurch Community Project

ChristChurch Community Project.

                                                       A new creative hub at the heart of Grantham
At the beginning of September 2015, Phase 1 of the ChristChurch Community Project was completed and new facilities opened to the public and to our Church congregation.  Phase 1 - which has provided an upgraded kitchen;  resurfaced passageway and improved lighting access to the halls; improved heating; modern toilets and disabled facilities - was funded by a grant of £40,000 from WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Limited), together with monies received a number of other sources. In addition, the halls have benefited from redecoration , new storage, blinds and flooring.
Phase 2 of the project which will allow safe and easy acces to the main entrance to the Church building for people in wheelchairs, with limited mobility, or parents with buggies  and prams, was completed in February 2017. This phase aslo included work on the windows on the west side to avoid having to re-erect scaffolding.
2019. Total replacement of the Church central heating system began and at the same time the refurbishment of 21 stained glass window frames.. These complementary projects will  ensure greater comfort in Church during the winter months. Grant funding  was obtained for these two peices of work.

The aims of the ChristChurch Community Project are to:
*   support the groups who currently use our premises to provide care and support for those most in need.
*   develope an accessible and welcoming suite of buildings to be used by our church community groups in the town and
     individuals wishing to hire our premises.
*   provide good quality performance and rehearsal space for all elements of the arts in grantham.
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